Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting Rid of the Rust

A lot of archers don’t do much shooting during the winter months.  Outside ranges can be bitter cold, and the indoor 20-yard “dot leagues” most clubs offer this time of year, although great for improving your shooting, can be very monotonous.  Indoor 3D target ranges are few and far between, but can provide an exciting way to keep the dust from collecting on your archery equipment.  As luck would have it, a brand new range just opened in northwest PA in December, and I couldn’t wait to round up a few friends and check it out.

The indoor range at Archery World

Archery World is a 16,000 square-foot facility in Venus, PA that houses 3D ranges set up for both hunter class and pro/open class distances.  Shooting at targets along the back wall will send your arrow well over 50 yards, and if you’re aiming from corner to corner, you’re looking at closer to 60 yards.  Since my friends and I still had our sights set for hunting arrows, we stuck to the shorter distances.  After a humbling first round of targets, I was glad we did.

Andy and Allen Hogue take aim down range.

Sunday was the final day of a two-day random draw tournament, and owner Denny Knight told us he had over 140 shooters on the range throughout the weekend.  Several archers were also shooting rounds for the winter leagues that are held at Archery World.  Denny told us he has shooting events planned for every weekend in February, and one of them will be an indoor/outdoor event for the diehards who don’t mind the cold weather.

A look behind the range

As expected, our group’s shooting was a little rusty, but no one sent any arrows into the dirt or the back wall.  However, it’s nice to know that some of the region’s top shooters were on hand to offer advice on technique and equipment if necessary.  We all had a great time and are planning a return visit soon.  I can’t think of a better way to get dialed in for those wary gobblers this spring.

AJ Johnson and I are set to kill some foam.

I’ve shot at a number of indoor archery ranges, and I can honestly say that Archery World surpasses them all.  The shooting platform, which can accommodate up to 100 shooters, is raised slightly above the target field and gives you a great view downrange.  The lighting is also excellent, as well as the permanent bow racks behind every shooting station.  The range layout is very challenging and includes trees and mixed terrain with hills and slopes that can partially conceal the target kill zones.  There also a nice lounge area behind the range with tables and chairs, shelves for bow cases, and a big screen TV playing episodes of the latest hunting shows.

For anyone who is looking to do some indoor 3D shooting in northwest PA, I’d strongly recommend a visit to Archery World.  They’re located 3 miles west of Fryburg along Route 157 and you can’t miss the giant sign out front.  For shooting schedules or more information, feel free to call Denny at (814) 354-7363 or visit their website at www.Route157ArcheryWorld.com

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