Monday, November 19, 2007

“Fowl” Weather, Snow Day and A Waterfowler's “Gem”

Pictures I took of the snow goose 1 ½ weeks before season.

The second season water fowl came in with a bang feeling a little under the weather and keeping me indoors until mid-morning. Feeling better, I dawned my gear, grabbed my gun and Drake. Don and I hit the highway in pursuit of waterfowl.

I have hunted in worse conditions, but we encountered numerous weather, sunshine, rain, sleet, snow, and extreme winds. It was definitely “fowl” weather! However, the medalist gear really held up to the test! I was impressed. Not only did I remain warm, I was bone dry without the added weight and bulk of wet garments. Which we all know can make it difficult to maneuver and not to mention uncomfortable.

We located a variety of birds due to the extreme weather and were able to capitalize on a few flyaway birds physically and vocally. As you will see by my pictures we harvested 2 Canada geese, one which I shot sporting the “waterfowl gem” (and you all know how I like my jewelry!), 2 mallard drakes, 1 bufflehead hen, and one snow goose. That's right our first snow goose. We had been watching this bird for a couple of weeks on different waterways and it seemed to disappear a few days before season. I had even taken pictures of it on water way it was frequenting with this flock of Canada geese.

Goose Hunting
Don and Drake above with our Snow goose and Canada goose.

Goose Hunting
Drake and I with the snow goose and Canada goose.

Goose Hunting
Drake posing handsomely

Goose Hunting
Snow goose

We also called in a few Black ducks and Don gave the command “Take em” and I heard, “Click-slide, click-slide” thinking to myself, “Oh yeah! Honey you just confirmed your guns empty!” I wasn't able to shoot...maybe because I was laughing so hard, but the birds didn't stick around. They banked and flew to parts unknown. Just seeing such a beautiful bird and knowing you had them within gun range is a success in itself. It's not always about the kill. Oh and by the way, Don loaded his gun after our laughter settled.

Drake, our yellow lab, worked the elements and the birds like a pro. He loves the water but did have to close his eyes at one point while on a retrieve due to the pounding sleet. Although I think Drake could retrieve in his sleep. All in all it was a really great hunt.

Goose Hunting
Drake with the sleet pounding in his face. He kept closing his eyes.

Goose Hunting
Drake and Don below with our two drake mallards.

When arriving home we were met by Don's son Brandon and his friend Scott that had also been out hunting after work. They had harvested in all five drake mallards. One of the birds Scott shot was banded. Which is pretty rare in these parts. Later we went on line and submitted the band number on my bird and Scott's mallard. It came up that Scott's mallard was banded in Ontario Canada. How cool is that? You can just imagine the places that bird had been, how far it traveled, how many hunters he may have encountered. To think just harvested here in Central PA.

Upon giving Scott the good news about his bird, he stated that the date of it being banded, September 18, 2004, was the day he and his wife got married. Congrats again to Scott! We have introduced Scott to waterfowl hunting just two years ago and he is hooked. He already has one banded goose and one banded mallard to add to his memoirs.

So despite the “Fowl” weather it was another great memory in the field with family, friends, trusty canine, laughter and success.

Here's to hoping all you have a great memory your next trip afield. Until next time! Teresa

Banded Bird
My Banded Bird

Goose Hunting
Don Drake and I with our days efforts.

Goose Hunting
Scott with his banded mallard, left.

Goose Hunting
Brandon and Scott with their mallards.

Goose Hunting
The day's harvest

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