Being from Pennsylvania I understand the traditions passed down from generation to generation. For me having my father and grandfather in camp is something I cherish most. On the opening week of the PA archery season the 3 generations did something in upstate PA that only family could dream about.
The opening day of the season is like Christmas for me. I get no sleep, and butterflies fill my stomach as I walk to my stand. This season was special because we were filming for our national TV show, Innerloc's Out-There.
Having my dad and grandfather on the show was special, but trying to capture 3 kills in a week, was asking a lot. My mom and dad had spent countless hours scouting the long ridges and deep hollows for deer. With my long travel trips, and time spent fishing in Delaware, I relied on my parents knowledge in sending me and my cameraman in a good direction.
At first light opening day, Mike and I were positioned on the ground in a large cut-over along some trees. With a small amount of acorns to key-in on, we were forced to hunt the fruit crop. Dad sent us in the right direction.
As the sun came over the trees, a nice 8 point was heading our way. The camera was rolling, and my heart was beating. The buck took, forever to get within bow range. With the wind in our face and an Innerloc broadhead on my arrow, the ingredients for success were in place. I drew my Pearson TX 4 bow back and left the arrow go, hitting the deer in both lungs. The buck went down just off camera, and the celebration began. I got very little cell, service so calling my friends, and wife was out. The buck ran, 45 yards, and was nicer than we thought. No monster by any means but a great North Central whitetail. When we got back to camp, my Grandfather was there waiting and he had no luck that morning, but that was about to change. Mike decided to film him that evening, in a ground blind along some apple trees, down from our camp.
That evening I filmed my good friend Justin in the same area that I was hunting in that morning and my dad never left the woods. That evening mike filmed my grandfather missing a nice 8 point at 17 yards.(He got buck fever) My 72 year old grandfather has never shot a deer with archery equipment and got excited. My dad had several bucks around him but shot no arrows. That Sunday my dad returned home, and left me to film Justin, and Mike to film Pop Pop. Monday evening all the stars were lined up, Pop Pop shot a nice 8 point on video, on the ground at 12 yards, watching the Innerloc do its job, as it only ran 40 yards and piled up. Justin and myself saw a 130 inch 10 point that just wanted to make a short appearance on TV, and not a grand finale. What a feeling to come back to camp and see that deer hanging on the deer pole. The phone call home to my dad was one I wanted to make but felt bad, because he wasn't there to join in the fun.
After a few great days of hunting with Justin, my dad returned to camp on Wednesday night to bow hunt with Mike. Thursday morning a great 8 point came in to 15 yards making it a 3 generation sweep. The buck ran 60 yards, and gave my dad and Mike plenty of blood to follow. The tears of happiness fell, and was all caught on camera for everyone to see. 3 eight points the opening week of archery, by the 3 generations of Brossman's. Ironically this past spring we did the same with turkeys. 3 generations including my mom bagged nice gobblers, opening week, then to repeat with buck during archery is special to me. The last week of archery my Mom and dad returned to camp, to each bag fall turkeys and mom shot a nice 9 point with the crossbow. All of this can be seen next fall on Innerloc's Out-There TV, and at one of my shows here in PA.
Deer camp is a place where we all go to let our hair down, and it's a place were we can be who we are. I am very blessed to have parents and grandparents who passed down this great sport, to me....Hunting
Thanks for the great story and photos Corey. You can send us your hunting or fishing story and if we use it on our web site we will send you a Pennsylvania Sportsmen Portal T-Shirt. The Pennsylvania Sportsmen Portal is all about folks who hunt and fish in PA and we love to feature our site visitors. Only criteria is, you must be a Pennsylvania resident. Stories can be from out of state adventures also, but we are really looking for stories that feature hunting and fishing in PA. Click Here For More Information.
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