A couple of trail camera photos of legal bucks captured during rifle season
But like it was throughout the state, the weather in our neck of the woods for the beginning of the season was pretty dismal. Driving rain and high winds kept deer movement to a minimum. The only person to tag a buck during that first day in our hunting party was my cousin Samantha. She snuck up on her buck while it was feeding on acorns with a group of deer. Her stalking ability impressed us all and we congratulated her on a job well done.
Samantha Schwabenbauer with a hard-earned buck on a very wet and foggy opening day; Samantha’s support crew included me, Vince Hoover, Bruce McHenry, and Buck Weaver (not pictured).
Colt O’Neil with his first buck, which was harvested in Clarion County; Mike Caun with a late season buck taken in management unit 2F.
As the season wore on, temperatures dropped and the rain turned to sleet and then snow. After the storms had passed, we were treated to 4-6 inches of fresh tracking snow. With new-found enthusiasm, we set out to find the deer that had been eluding us since the season began. One of our primary goals was to provide some shot opportunities for the young hunters in our group. And as luck would have it, we managed to do just that!
Morgan Johnson with her first deer; AJ was extremely proud!
The first youngster to score was AJ’s daughter, Morgan. She harvested her first whitetail with a well-placed shot from a 7mm-08. Seeing someone harvest their first deer is always a thrill, but it was great to witness Morgan’s success after several deer sightings earlier in the season didn’t present her with good shot opportunities. The other drivers and I were very glad we finally moved some deer her way. It was an awesome moment for everyone involved, and I felt fortunate to have been a part of it.
A well-hidden deer bed under a blanket of fresh snow; A black cherry rifle rest during one our field-dressing sessions
Since the deer still weren’t moving much on their own, we formulated a plan for another deer drive. This time, we focused on a thick swamp bordered by old clear-cuts. The result was another filled tag for Sara Weaver, who took a large doe with her 300 Savage. This deer was Sara’s third, and she has already displayed the shooting skills of a seasoned veteran.
Sara Weaver with a very nice Clarion County doe; Sara and her dad, Chuck, enjoy the morning’s success.
Despite the season’s foul weather early on, many hunters fared well during the second week. Here are a few more successful hunters from northwest PA.
Cliff Wingard, Kirk Tharan, and Jess Stewart all harvested these bucks in Clarion County.
John Meier with a heavy-racked 10-point taken in eastern Clarion County; Kyle Ritner with a nice Gamelands buck from Venango County
As in year’s past, this rifle season was filled with memorable moments and quality time shared with friends and family members. It was inspiring to see some of the younger generation get involved and be so excited about our great sport. I hope all of our readers were able to enjoy some time outdoors this season. Good luck to all of the hearty souls who are heading out for the late archery and muzzleloader season!